Tim BarkerComment


Tim BarkerComment

In the 1970’s a popular chorus was, “His Banner Over Me Is Love,” and one verse said, “I’m feasting at His banqueting table, His banner over Me is love.”  We would often sing another hymn that said, “Jesus has a table spread where the saints of God are fed, He invites His chosen people…. COME & DINE!” 

Jesus has prepared a CONTINUAL PARTY, even sending our invitations, yet many have declined.  Not only did the angels in heaven rejoice when we accepted the Father’s invitation, but there’s the promise of life more abundantly that He’s given.  The party I’m speaking of will be unlike any other celebration that anyone’s ever seen.  Jesus, Himself will be the host, and at this time we will rejoice together that sin and death have been defeated. 

Invitations are still going out, each time we proclaim the Gospel message!  Let’s intensify our efforts because the table’s being prepared for the glorious celebration.  I believe the caterers almost done and the party is about to begin!

“When the banquet was ready, he sent his servants to notify those who were invited.  But they refused to come.”  Matthew 22:3 (NLT)