Tim BarkerComment


Tim BarkerComment

In Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 25, verse 21 Jesus says, “WELL DONE…You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you more responsibilities.” (NLT)

It is when we realize that God has given us exactly what we need in order to accomplish His Kingdom work – time, abilities and resources that we are successful & content in ministry.  So, don’t get caught up in the comparison game against neighbors, friends or even family members, because what’s important is that we have HIM!  He is the One who supplies, supports and multiplies our efforts.  We must also realize that not only are we supported, but no one else has been given our portion or part. 

As we care for what God has entrusted to us we have to keep in mind that He delights in helping us accomplish HIS WORK.  And, when we finally finish our tasks, we too will hear Him say, “WELL DONE.”  Imagine that celebration!

My prayer is:  Dear Jesus, help me to use the resources I have wisely and for your glory!  NOT MINE!