Eight Things That Really Matter to God
Psalm 44:1-12
1. Trust
What do you place your trust in? It is vital to put your trust in the right place.
Luke 13:31-14:14
2. Courage
Do you find that you sometimes take decisions based on fear?
3. Compassion
Is your heart moved by the people you come across?
4. Humility
Do you worry about your status compared to others? Jesus speaks about humility. He tells us to ‘take the lowest place’ (14:10).
5. Poverty
Are you tempted to spend time with people of influence and wealth who will be able to pay you back?
Deuteronomy 15:1-16:20
6. Generosity
Do you ever find yourself being a little mean or penny-pinching? The principle of generosity runs throughout the Bible. Don’t be ‘hard-hearted’ (15:7) when you see poverty and need.
7. Remembrance
Do you easily forget what God has done for you? The people of God were called to ‘Remember that you were slaves in Egypt’ (v.15; 16:12).
8. Justice
Do you care about justice? Justice is of high value to God. Honesty matters to God.